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Your Donation at Work
We rely on the generosity of the community to keep our doors open.
We are appreciative of local corporations, businesses & individuals who support our operations.
Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution.
Your support has a huge impact on the education of our community’s students.
For every dollar you donate, it allows us to distribute over $20 in school supplies to an educator. Click here to make a monthly recurring donation.
You may be looking for a way to make a significant gift to help further our mission. A bequest is a gift made through your will or trust. It is one of the most popular and flexible ways that you can support our cause.
What are the benefits of making a bequest?
- You leave a lasting legacy to be remembered
- You lessen the burden of taxes on your family
- You may receive estate tax savings
How do I make a bequest?
A bequest is one of the easiest gifts to make. With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift be made to family, friends or Treasures 4 Educators (T4TT) as part of your estate plan.
What are my options?
- You can gift a specific dollar amount or asset
- You can gift a percentage of your estate
- You can gift from the balance or residue of your estate
- You can make a beneficiary designation of certain assets
What are the benefits of making a bequest?
- You leave a lasting legacy to be remembered
- You lessen the burden of taxes on your family
- You may receive estate tax savings
What are my options?
- You can gift a specific dollar amount or asset
- You can gift a percentage of your estate
- You can gift from the balance or residue of your estate
- You can make a beneficiary designation of certain assets
How do I get started?
Contact your financial advisor or lawyer.
How do I get started?
You or your financial advisor should contact:
Sherry Hall – CFP, AIF, CWS
Financial Advisor